Why is Charlie Rangel getting a pass? - maxine at the beach
Charlie Rangel is a tax cheat. A tax cheat. And yet the Democrats is a successful resolution, were killed as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee would be eliminated.
Charlie Rangel is chairman of the committee responsible for drafting tax legislation. During the drafting of tax laws that govern this clown has a good job to avoid the law made for their personal finances. Here are some examples:
Error 1) value of over $ 1 billion of foreign earnings and U.S. $ 3 million in business transactions, as requested by Parliament
To report errors 2), at least $ 650,000 in assets that had previously not the House financial disclosure forms list
3) failure of the IRS or their financial circumstances to disclose forms of $ 75,000Rental income from a villa on the beach in the Dominican Republic,
4) violation of state law raises three principal residences and break the rules of the City of New York for the maintenance of four rent-regulated apartments
5) The violation of the House for the letter-head of Congress asking for donations for a training center, his name at City College of New York and Bears
6) delinquency in paying their property taxes on two parcels in New Jersey and not the sale of a Brownstone sign 1.3 million U.S. dollars.
Maxine Walters wrote:
"Many members" of Congress are facing the same problems as Charlie Rangel. In what state is it in? Failure to comply with the law? We are punished for this ... Rangel, why not? The Republicans want toto eliminate the type of president, but Democrats voted against it. Well, that's transparency. Represents the change we can not believe it! - Right?
It is a kind of thinking to House banking scandal control, Charlie was also a customer, they are all thieves, who meet each other, what precedes, we see the Mafia in Congress in the government and the need to vote out everyone!
It's simple: He is a Democrat and no matter how much you screw up, Democrats, or forget or forgive him when he says "sorry".
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